History & Vision - Top Gymnastics
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History & Vision

2018 is the first year of Top Gymnastics Training Center in North Miami. A brand new USA Gymnastics Olympic program.

Starting a new era in SoFlo gymnastics.

Run by former Olympic gymnasts with physical education backgrounds and years of coaching and managing experience in the USA.

The gym is kids friendly with brand new equipment in a fully air conditioned, carpeted and daily cleaned and sterilized facility with foam pits and 2 floors. We listen for your needs and create smiles and Champions at Top Gymnastics.

Top Gymnastics has a clear vision:

At Top Gymnastics the limit is beyond the stars! We instill a warrior concept; 1% talent and 99% work ethics as well as care, honesty, integrity, cooperation and fair play into our youth and adult athletes.

We provide a safe, fun and stimulating environment and exploration of the sport of gymnastics. Each student has the opportunity to develop, experience and improve body awareness, self-esteem, strength, flexibility and coordination.

You can make your dreams come true. Top Gymnastics is here to support you and ensure you enjoy the road to success!